Washington, PA — One driver, two drivers. Veteran driver, new driver.

OK, Dr. Seuss would have done a better job with the rhyme, but it’s the message that’s important here. For the sixth consecutive year, members of the Meadows Standardbred Owners Association participated in Dr. Seuss Day (also known as National Read Across America Day) by reading to local school children.

On Monday, drivers Jeremy Indof and Dan Rawlings read to pupils at Trinity North Elementary School near Hollywood Casino at The Meadows. The drivers read from the classic Fernando the Bull, then entertained questions from the kids about horses and racing. Indof and Rawlings have participated in Dr. Seuss Day events for a number of years.

The Pennsylvania Horse Racing Association enhanced the festivities by distributing “swag kid bags” to students.

A significant change in the event: while MSOA members had to read to kids virtually last year, Indof and Rawlings were live and in their colors this year.


Original source credited to: US Trotting Association

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