Helping racehorses to heal quickly and with the proper care is of the utmost importance to any horse owner and trainer, and within the state of Pennsylvania, the best source for high-tech equipment and therapy solutions is Amulet Equine Rehabilitation and Conditioning Center. Set among the scenic horse country of Belle Vernon, PA, Amulet Equine is a state of the art facility to help your horse on the path to good health and in top form.
“We have a racehorse barn here at Amulet, and we’re always trying to help the horses the best we can,” explained Tom Svreck, owner. “It used to be a boarding facility with a track for horses, and we don’t board horses any more, so we converted the facility to a rehabilitation center, and opened it to the public, as well as my own horses.”
Photo Credit to Amulet Equine

Additional equipment was included for the care and rehab of horses. “We’ve added equipment, like an Aquapacer Treadmill, and a Cold Water Ice Machine, and these pieces of equipment help the racehorses. It helps to keep them off their feet. The ice helps with inflammation, and it just keeps them sounder and makes them happier horses,” Tom said.

Along the way, and as the rebab facility continued to grow and flourish, Tom took on a partner. “When we started adding equipment, I partnered with Janet Collins, who is the main principal here at Amulet. We have a lot of different modalities to help horses.”
Janet and Tom
Photo Credit to Chris Gooden

Equipment offered at Amulet Equine such as the Aquapacer is good to condition a horse, as well as good for a horse that is hurt because it takes the weight off of them, resulting in less concussion on an injured leg. The Aquapacer helps them to stay in shape, and gets them back to the track or whatever they do in their career. In addition to that, and the Cold Water Ice Machine, Tom points out that the facility offers Shock Wave Therapy; Salt Room therapy for breathing; Theraplate Vibrator Therapy; heat lamps and a Sun Room. “We have a menu of different items that people can get, and packages as well. Some of the horses that we get have left their veterinarians; they may have gotten operated on, so they might have soft tissue damages or broken bones, and they need to rehab, just like injured athletes need to rehab. And that’s what Janet Collins does here. Janet is the glue that makes Amulet offer the best care.”

Amulet Equine has been the temporary home of countless horses since it’s inception, and Tom is proud of the many success stories. “We’ve had more than several world champions come in and out of this place for conditioning or rehabilitation, and we do work for trainer Ron Burke, (Hall of Fame trainer; the first to reach over $300 million in North American purses) the leading harness trainer in North America.”
Of Amulet Equine, Ron Burke was enthusiastic in a testimonial to the facility. “The rehab speeds the healing process up tremendously and you get a happy and fit horse that’s ready and willing to work!”
Photo Credit to Amulet Equine

“We also work for World Champion trainer Heath Wilkerson,” Tom said. “Heath said he loved how his horses look when they come from Amulet. He says ‘They are ready to compete!’,”.

Other prominent harness trainers have experienced the expertise of the facility, including Scott Betts and Jennifer Bongiorno, as well as others racing at the Meadows and in New York and New Jersey.
Janet is a barrel racer, and in addition to the racehorse industry, she has attracted the barrel racing industry as well. “They’re athletes, just like racehorses ,” Tom said. “Sometimes it’s for an injury, or sometimes it’s just to get them in condition to go barrel race.” Champion barrel racers that have won on a national level have used the facility, such as Robin Weaver and her stable.
Spring is a busy time for Amulet Equine. “All the big stakes horses are going top speeds to compete. When they’re going through all the tough competitions, and injuries occur, they visit us.”
Tom races horses at the Meadows, and is an amateur driver too, working with trainer Bryce Brocklehurst. “We’re very competitive,” he said. There are a lot of ingredients to the recipe for success. Janet and her conditioning center are so important to us. She takes the horses and gives them what they need, and they’re better horses for it.”
Sitting on 35 acres of land, Amulet Equine includes a half-mile track too. “Some people want their horses jogged here and there. We have 40 stalls, and I use half a dozen stalls for racehorses, and Janet generally takes the balance of the stalls for the rehab side.”
Whether a horse is injured, or needs some conditioning, they know the Amulet team does exactly what they’re supposed to do. “People trust us with their horses,” Tom said emphatically.
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Cover Photo Credit to Amulet Equine
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