To celebrate National Cook For Your Pet Day the PHRA would like to share this easy recipe for home made horse treats!


1  Muffin Tin (Makes 24)
3 Cups of Flour
3 Cups of Uncooked Oats (Oatmeal)
1 Cup of Brown Sugar
1 1/2 Cup of Water
3/4 Cup of Molasses
1 Bag of Peppermints

Step 1- Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Step 2- Mix all ingredients together well with an electric mixer

Step 3- Roll dough into 1/5 inch balls in the palm of our hand, place into muffin tin

Step 4- Bake for about 15 – 20 minutes

Step 5- Before treats are cooled push a peppermint halfway into the center of each treat

Step 6- Give to favorite equine friends to enjoy!

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