Helping horses to achieve and stay at their peak performance, as well as healing those with injuries is the focus of Healing Edge PEMF, based in Washington, Pennsylvania, owned and operated by Alecia Snyder O’Sullivan.
Equine athletes truly benefit from this healing therapy. “We help some of them heal, if we’re dealing with injuries, and others, just help them to be the best they could possibly be so they could go out and perform,” Alecia explained.
“PEMF Therapy is Pulse Electro Magnetic Field Therapy. It’s a great modality and actually considered to be one of the missing elements of the earth. It basically goes along with the same guidelines of grounding, where the earth can actually ground a person and help their body to naturally heal through placing charges on the ions in your body. My machine actually does the exact same thing, as I can apply it to areas.”
Working with the horses who are receiving the PEMF therapy, Alecia pinpoints what the horse will need to begin the healing process. “Most all of my clients (horses) get at least their bodies done, and then for horses that have other needs, we might do some of the joints or tendons and things like that just to basically help them to stay at their peak performance.”
Being healthy and able to perform daily rituals is the same for humans and equines, Alecia points out. “We have to be at our optimal health to live a productive life. It’s no different for animals, to be the best they can be, and PEMF is a great addition to be able to support that.”
“For performance horses, it helps to remove and reduce inflammation in their body, which could come from many different things; it helps boost their immune system. It helps them to uptake more oxygen into their bodies, and the cells become more readily available to be able to use the nutrients. The majority of performance horses get fed such quality food and hay and supplements, and the PEMF just really gives that extra kick to be able to help the body actually attain and be able to use those things.”
A fifth generation harness racing trainer, she followed a different path that led her to Healing Edge PEMF. “I’ve been in and out of the business, and recently more active in my family’s stable. When I started out, I wanted to be a veterinarian, and things obviously changed. But I always had that interest, when it came to our horses, and how to best optimize their health. So this is something I read about before I actually got into it. I thought it sounded great, but it was an expensive venture, and I hadn’t actually seen it applied to our sport yet at that time.”
Then a horse of hers, Call To Post, was badly injured. “They told me his prognosis was a 5% chance of ever being weight-bearing enough to be a riding horse. They told me he would never, ever race again. It kind of broke my heart to think that maybe he wasn’t going to have maybe a good quality of life after that injury.”
A company that she had been researching made the treatment very affordable at the time, so as she described, the stars aligned, and she gave it a shot. “A couple of different veterinarians told me he would need eight months of stall rest, and we put the machine on him as soon as he came home, and I had him in a small field turnout within six months. It was like in a year I had him back in the barn, jogging, and he raced that following year! He’s raced every year since then, and he’s 14 this year! It just showed me what that machine could do!”
One of her most famous clients was 2021 Dan Patch Trotter of the Year Jujubee, the son of Creatine-La Cantera, trained by Greg Wright. Alecia was asked to help out with him when he was 3 years old. “It was a thrill to work with a horse of that caliber,” she said, “and to watch him do what he turned around and did that year was amazing.”
She can’t say enough about the success of PEMF Therapy and the machine and the results. “Just amazing, what it can do. For injuries. It helps so much, helping things heal faster better, and stronger. For me to be able to help other people in the racing community, that’s really where it becomes really amazing. I get to step out of what I normally get to do, and I get to be a part of all these other people’s experiences. Hearing a trainer say ‘Wow, he’s never been better’, it’s just an unbelievable kickback of getting to do what I do.”
For new clients looking to experience Healing Edge PEMF, her Facebook page includes her email and all contact information.
Facebook – Healing Edge PEMF
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